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in Errors Codes in Brands by (61.2k points)
What does Error Code E09 in my Blomberg washing machine mean and how can I fix it?

1 Answer

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by (122k points)
Error Code E09 in a Blomberg washing machine means that there is a problem with the motor triac. This typically indicates a malfunction related to the motor's speed or control. Here's how you can fix it:
1. Turn off and unplug your washing machine.
2. Wait for about 10 minutes to allow any residual power in the machine to dissipate.
3. Plug the machine back in and turn it on.
4. Run a short cycle without any load to check if the error persists.
If the error code E09 still appears, it indicates a more serious issue that may require professional assistance. Contact an authorized Blomberg service center for further support.

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